Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Fierce Urgency of Now

"Justice delayed is Justice denied." (The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.)

Two-thousand years is a long time to wait for justice. We have a bunch of blow-hards and wind-bags in D.C. who do not want to rock the boat for fear of immersing them selves in the cold, dark waters of The Truth. Pitiful. The warm glow of sunshine is nothing to fear. The Chicago Mafia is nothing to fear. The Cult of Intelligence is nothing to fear. The wrath of the People IS something to fear. A lie cannot be hidden forever. Some smart reporter will come along, and incite the Wrath of the People with the cold, hard facts, and it is up to the incestuous Party apparatchiks to get out of the way, and let the chips fall where they may. To do otherwise would invoke an anger never-before-seen. When the Hometeam loses, do the fans spit on them, and throw things at them? No, they do not. They embrace them, and cheer for them for a game well-fought. Now, when a Team, or a player throws the game on purpose, the Fans will show no Mercy. They will be an unconcerned group who will not buy any more tickets. Look at (President) Bill Clinton: People will not even pay five bucks to hear him speak. He is getting his Just deserts... Hm.

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